Healthy Food for Road Trips
Going on a road trip can be a frightening thought for anyone who is trying to stick to a diet. Open road with only fast food stops for hours can keep anyone up at night. But a little bit of planning can allow you to eat healthfully on even a long car trip.
Snack Foods that Don't Need to be Kept Cool. If you don't have the ability to keep your snacks cool while traveling, there are many options for you to bring along with you in the car. Fruit such as Apples and Bananas are great at room temperature and can keep for a good couple of days. Trail mix is another great snack, and some brands such as the Planters Energy Mix Trail Mix come in individual packages with nuts and dark chocolate covered soy nuts. Granola bars and individually packaged applesauce are other good options. Just remember to pack a spoon in your snack bag.
Snack Foods for Your Cooler. If you want to have an even healthier array of food options, you can pack a small cooler with an ice pack and snacks such as string cheese, grapes, and individual low-fat yogurt containers. Individual sized 100% juice boxes are great for kids, as are individual servings of low-fat chocolate milk. A new product, Fruit-2-Go, combines fruit juice with tidbits of actual fruit such as mango and pineapple. All of these are worth packing a little cooler for your car.
Snack Choices at Gas Stations. Stopping at a gas station for a healthy snack can be a difficult task, but knowing what to look for in advance can help you find a healthful option easily. The easiest healthy food to locate is the granola bar. Many gas stations now carry Fiber One bars, and there are also protein bars such as Power Bars and Balance Bars which are low in sugar. V8 Juice, V8 Splash, and Tomato juice are good juice options as they give you a full serving or two of vegetables. And low-fat milk or a Slim Fast shake can usually be found in the refrigerator section as well. By the cashier, you often find a fruit stand, and a small package of peanuts will stick to your ribs while filling you with healthy fats.
Fast Food Choices. Subway has great sandwiches and you can add lettuce, tomato, shredded carrots, cucumbers and peppers on top of the low-fat meat. Wendy's has great healthy options such as a plain baked potato topped with broccoli, and a side salad that is wonderful when topped with a small cup of chili as the dressing. If McDonalds is your only choice, opt for a salad, a small hamburger with lots of lettuce and tomato, or a fruit parfait.
In addition to these healthy snacks, be sure to refresh your body with plenty of water throughout your trip. Between these healthy food options, you are sure to keep your taste buds occupied for miles!
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