Living a Health Hazard Free Freegan Lifestyle-You Don't Have to Go Dumpster Diving

250 million tons of garbage is generated in the US alone every year. Most of the garbage comes from households and it is mostly good food or commodities that are still in good or recyclable condition. Isn't it ironic that on one end of the world we have food products overflowing the supermarket shelves, these are western countries, while in continents like Africa, Asia and South America we have people dying of hunger or lack of shelter.

Freegans are anti-consumerists. The freeganism is against society's wastage of resources. A freegan's lifestyle is almost similar to a vegetarian's, but the freegan is more on the extreme. Not only are they against animal torture or chemical testing on animals, but also they are activists against society's greed. Their main goal is to spend as little as they possibly can and only use or have what they really need. Freegans fulfill their goals by recycling, sharing what they already have, and gardening. The most controversial issue about freeganism, is the recycling process which many people call dumpster diving. It is a taboo in our current society for people to go about searching other peoples' trash, let alone scavenging for food leftovers.

While it is a good thing that we live in America and are free to lead any kind of lifestyle we want as long as we don't hurt anyone, a freegan's lifestyle threatens his or her own life. Even though most of them say they haven't had any medical issues related to consumption of dumpster food, it is still not safe for us to scavenge for food from other peoples' trash. I mean, the food could have all sorts of chemicals or bacteria especially after it stays in a dirty trash bag for some time. This is like knowingly consuming poison. I know there are so many people who would love to recycle and not waste any food products, but they are just not willing to search through trash for food poisoning.

Now, here are two tips for all of you aspiring freegans, you do no have to go through a stranger's trash to get your supplies:

Instead of dumpster diving, you could make a deal with supermarkets or neighbors to give you leftover food before it is thrown in the garbage. In fact, this is a win-win for both parties. The freegan gets his supplies without having to waste time dumpster …

I Took Back My Health by Leaving Fast Food Behind

I stopped eating all fast food items from fast food restaurants five years ago. After reading several books, doing research and simply buying healthier food at grocery stores it was an easy concept to follow through on.

You see, when I worked at a full time job, I bought junk food at all the fast food restaurants. I ate Wendy's, Arby's, Mc Donald's and Burger King Whoppers. This was my lunch nearly everyday. I also worked at a department store which served junk food that I loved eating a hot dog, and nachos smothered with cheese on the days I didn't have time to drive to the nearest fast food place.

The thing was two hours after paying for and eating this utter junk, I would be super hungry again. On my fifteen minute work break, I wound up eating more junk food from my job's snack bar.

After I had my first child, I had even less time in the morning to eat, and to pack a lunch, so I continued driving to the nearest fast food restaurant to buy the least expensive meals on their menus. I also took my son when he was old enough to chew food, to fast food places to buy him this utter junk. We lived on Coca-Cola, French fries, and cheeseburgers.

I started tapering off on my unhealthy eating habit when my stomach started bothering me 24-7. I started feeling like I was going to throw up and I either couldn't go to the bathroom or I was always going. I experienced many days where I had to call in sick even though we needed the money. After being hospitalized with pneumonia for four days, I stopped eating fast food for a year. I discovered the food, or what passes for food, I was putting into my body was filled with too many bad things, and I felt better when I ate healthier foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and food my husband and I made at home. I discovered that the best foods were the meals we made from scratch that were not premade or just needed to be popped into the microwave.

After my second bout of pneumonia and a nasty bout of colitis when I lost ten pounds in one week, my unending love for fast food died a quick death by simply saying those two words, "Never again."…

How you can Know Healthy foods to Eat &ndash

See the source image

Healthy foods are foods that enhance your healthy living. These foods make you grow. They give you energy with which to work. Eating healthy foods can heal you when you fall sick and it can help your body repair any damaged part. Healthy foods can make you look ‘every year young’ and they can make you have a healthy long life.

The foundation for a proper nutrition is in whole, pure and natural foods. Without proper healthy eating, you can never achieve and maintain good health. Good health through healthy eating is only possible when you know what to eat at the right quantity and at the right time.

There are five major groups of healthy foods. However, at any one meal, you need a combination of 2 or 3 groups in order to achieve a balanced diet. But first, let me show you the food groups.

  1. Whole Grains: Grains are rich in proteins, minerals and starch. This group includes foods like rice, oats, corn, beans, soybeans, peas, wheat, etc.
  2. Tubers: Tubers are high polysaccharide carbohydrates. When you eat this class of healthy food, their sugars provide the most important source of energy for your body. The foods in this category include potato, yam, plantain, cassava, etc.
  3. Fruits & Vegetables: When you regularly eat fruits and vegetables, you acquire a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that are needed and easily assimilated by your body. Some of these fruits are apple, orange, lemon, watermelon, banana, pineapple, avocado, etc. For the vegetables, your body needs tomato, cucumber, cabbage, pumpkin, carrot, garlic, onion, green beans, etc.
  4. Seafoods: Seafoods are high in fatty acids, iodine, omega-3 and vitamins A, D & K. The foods in this group include fish and fish liver oil.
  5. Fat: Fat should not be omitted in your healthy food diet so long as it is not more than 30% of your daily calorie intake. One of the best sources of fat is from cold-pressed vegetable oils such as soybean oil, fresh palm fruit oil and groundnut oil. These oils are rich in essential fatty acids, lecithin, and vitamins A & E.

Variety, they say, is the spice of life. Remember that by combining the above healthy food groups in the right proportion will help your body acquire the nutrients you need to boost your immune system in order to adequately fight infections; repair or replace dead cells and tissues; …

College Students: How to Get Healthy at the End of Winter

1) Put an apple in your breakfast! You want that bagel smothered in cream cheese, but starting the morning feeling full and heavy will only lead to poor choices the rest of the day. You can choose a small carton of yogurt, a carton of cottage cheese (they sell these little 1 serving cartons of low fat cottage cheese that is loaded with protein and not too many calories),1 piece of toast, or a banana if you like fruit, but whatever you do, put that apple in your breakfast too (apples are key because they keep you feeling fuller for longer, they are a good source of fiber, they are low in calories, and they are easy to carry on-the-go!)

2) Along with breakfast, drink a good half-liter to liter of water. It will fill you up, but it also will seem to energize you. Often, being dehydrated puts you in a sluggish mood, and fools many into grabbing a soda or other form of unhealthy beverage. Get ahead of these bad choices by filling up on water. Also, take that water bottle with you, so you can fill it up throughout that day and sip on during class. Constant hydration is key to getting and feeling healthy.

3) For lunch, keep it light. Consider lunch to be a midday snack. At home, you are used to being served a reasonable lunch with a sandwich, orange, and maybe a small cookie or piece of chocolate. However, in college, the dining halls offer you food that would otherwise wait until suppertime: mashed potatoes, pasta alfredo, casseroles, etc. So, think back to those days at school and either buy yourself a small lunch that you could imagine in a small lunch box, or better, pack your own homemade (and therefore, likely healthier) lunch.

4) Keep drinking water!

5) For an afternoon snack, have a fruit such as another apple (I can't stress how wonderful apples are!), banana, orange, pear, plum, grapes, etc. Or, if you like, a bag of 94% fat free butter popcorn is a great way to feel like you ate a big carbohydrate snack, when you actually only had a handful of calories.

6) When you get home, take the time to make a good meal. Enjoy pasta with marinara, or a chicken breast, with some vegetables…really whatever you fancy, but be reasonable. The evening is the easiest time …

Eat Healthier by Controlling Your Portions Size

When you eat out you probably will be asked if you want to super-size your meal. You know it is not a good idea but for that extra dollar you probably will go for it and ending up eating much more of what you should. That is why is so important to control the size of the portions of what you eat. This is a guide to help you our in portion sizing and how to control the sizes of food portions.

The FDA recommends to carefully measure the food you eat and, when needed to buy proper measuring devices such as measuring cups, measuring spoons and a scale for weight in ounces. FDA recommends the following portions for healthy eating:

-2 to 3 ounces of red meat, poultry or fish

-1 ½ ounces of natural cheese or if processed 2 ounces

-1 cup cooked or 3/4 cup to 1 cup uncooked grains

-1/3 to ½ cup cooked pasta

-1 medium-sized of any variety of fruit and ½ cup diced fruit

1- cup of milk or yogurt (8 ounces)

These portion sizes may look not enough for you but keep in mind that these are portions for healthy eating not to have a complete full stomach. If you manage your portion sizes adequately you can learn to increase the nutritional value of your meal eating the right mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

There are some tips you can follow to help you get used to the right portions:

-Read and understand nutrition labels.

-When starting measure your portions so you can eyeball them

-When eating out, order from the kid´s menu. These menus are smaller

-Share food and meals with friends and coworkers. That way both of you eat less.-Serve yourself in a bowl, plate or glass.Do not drink or eat from food packages (for example do not drink from a 2 Lt coke, instead, serve yourself a small glass of it)

Source: Personal experience…

Foods with Health Benefits

We must eat to live, so it just makes sense to eat foods with health benefits that help stave off diseases and increase our life span. But which foods might that be? Glad you asked! Add some of these foods with health benefits to your daily diet and add more healthy days to your life.

Arthritis Busters

Pumpkin contains powerful antioxidants that helps prevent arthritis from developing in healthy joints. For those who already suffer with arthritis, pumpkin relieves the pain by reducing the inflammation. Eating one can of pure pumpkin purée each week can help you live a longer, pain-free life.

Red bell peppers contain carotenoids, a strong inflammation fighter. Plus they are rich in vitamin C which has been shown to help prevent arthritis. Eating a couple of red bell peppers each week helps reduce inflammation and boosts vitamin C intake.

Ginger is a spicy root that adds flavor to a variety of dishes and is a natural anti-inflammatory. A cup of fresh ginger tea or a little fresh ginger grated into recipes each day help relieve the pain of arthritis.

Lower Blood Sugar

Beans, beans, good for your heart…and they stabilize blood sugar. Pinto, navy and kidney beans are loaded with fiber, protein and carbohydrates and they help keep hunger in check so you will eat less. A cup a day of your favorite beans helps to lower and stabilize blood sugar.

Egg whites are a good place to start a meal because they are fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in calories (just 7 calories per egg white!). The whites are also rich in protein and will help keep blood sugar from spiking. Add 3-4 egg white based meals per week to your diet to keep blood sugar level on an even keel.

All types of nuts – peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios and cashews – are chock-full of heart-healthy fats and proteins that work in conjunction to stabilize blood sugar. A small handful each day will help you live longer by keeping blood sugar in check and improving cholesterol levels.

Prevent Osteoporosis

Another reason to eat your broccoli – it helps build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. Broccoli contains four bone-building nutrients; calcium, potassium, vitamins C and K. Add broccoli to your weekly meal plan about four times to reap the maximum health benefits.

Yogurt is a versatile and delicious way to sneak more bone-building calcium into …

Healthy Food for Road Trips

Going on a road trip can be a frightening thought for anyone who is trying to stick to a diet. Open road with only fast food stops for hours can keep anyone up at night. But a little bit of planning can allow you to eat healthfully on even a long car trip.

Snack Foods that Don't Need to be Kept Cool. If you don't have the ability to keep your snacks cool while traveling, there are many options for you to bring along with you in the car. Fruit such as Apples and Bananas are great at room temperature and can keep for a good couple of days. Trail mix is another great snack, and some brands such as the Planters Energy Mix Trail Mix come in individual packages with nuts and dark chocolate covered soy nuts. Granola bars and individually packaged applesauce are other good options. Just remember to pack a spoon in your snack bag.

Snack Foods for Your Cooler. If you want to have an even healthier array of food options, you can pack a small cooler with an ice pack and snacks such as string cheese, grapes, and individual low-fat yogurt containers. Individual sized 100% juice boxes are great for kids, as are individual servings of low-fat chocolate milk. A new product, Fruit-2-Go, combines fruit juice with tidbits of actual fruit such as mango and pineapple. All of these are worth packing a little cooler for your car.

Snack Choices at Gas Stations. Stopping at a gas station for a healthy snack can be a difficult task, but knowing what to look for in advance can help you find a healthful option easily. The easiest healthy food to locate is the granola bar. Many gas stations now carry Fiber One bars, and there are also protein bars such as Power Bars and Balance Bars which are low in sugar. V8 Juice, V8 Splash, and Tomato juice are good juice options as they give you a full serving or two of vegetables. And low-fat milk or a Slim Fast shake can usually be found in the refrigerator section as well. By the cashier, you often find a fruit stand, and a small package of peanuts will stick to your ribs while filling you with healthy fats.

Fast Food Choices. Subway has great sandwiches and you can add lettuce, tomato, shredded carrots, cucumbers and peppers on top …

Tasty & Healthy Fast Food Salads


Fast food has a reputation these days that rivals that of Justin Bieber. However, while some of the criticism falling on the unhealthy lifestyle fast food promotes is warranted, there are some delicious fresh and healthy options as well in the form of salads. These can also be found at the new batch of “fast casual” restaurants, which typically don’t have a drive thru, but allow you a quick in and out if you call your order in ahead of time. So before you ditch the option of getting a fast meal on the go, here are some delicious salads to consider.

McDonald’s Premium Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken, 290 calories, 8 grams of fat, 27 grams of protein. This hearty salad is full of flavor with ingredients like fire-roasted corn, black beans, roasted tomatoes and poblano peppers. It is garnished with a lime wedge and tortilla strips for crunch. Just make sure you get it with grilled chicken (they also offer crispy) and choose a reduced fat salad dressing.

Wendy’s Asian Cashew Chicken Salad, 380 calories, 13 grams of fat, 35 grams of protein. This unique salad contains edamame, spicy roasted cashews, warm chicken and a light spicy Asia chili vinaigrette dressing. It is a salad with unique flavor that truly packs a punch.

Panera Strawberry Poppyseed and Chicken Salad, 350 calories, 13 grams of fat, 29 grams of protein. Panera is known for high quality ingredients and this salad lives up to that reputation, with fresh strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, mandarin oranges, pecans, antibiotic-free chicken, romaine lettuce and fat-free poppyseed dressing. This fresh and colorful salad tends to be seasonal during warmer months, so get it while you can!

McAlister’s Savannah Chopped Salad, 440 calories, 16 grams of fat, 32 grams of protein. McAlister’s salads are generous in size and this one is no exception as it bursting with grilled chicken, gorgonzola cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, cranberries and honey roasted almonds. To keep it healthy, I always order this salad with the fat free chipotle peach dressing which complements the ingredients nicely.

These salads are great examples of how eating fast doesn’t always have to be a bad choice. Not only are they low in fat and calories, but also full of nutrient rich lean meat, vegetables and some fruit. However all salads are not created equal, so check the nutritional information before venturing into other options. Some …

Top Foods for Men

Health issues differ somewhat between men and women. We read so much about diet and nutrition for women, so I think its about time men had a look in!
So… here are some of my Top Foods for men.

Pumpkin seeds, Brazils, Walnuts, and Almonds

Nuts are often regarded and shunned as high-fat foods, with little understanding of their nutritional value. Some nuts are very high in fat; Brazil nuts are about 70% fat, so you wouldn’t want to eat too many at once, BUT only 10% of this fat is actually saturated, so as you can see the vast majority is “unsaturated” and therefore either essential, or potentially useful for the health of every cell in the body. The term “essential” in this context simply means our bodies do not manufacture certain fats (especially Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats), which means that the only ways of obtaining them is through the foods we eat… essential to life, so therefore essential to the diet! Most fresh unsalted and un-roasted nuts and seeds (NO… not S*NP*T peanut butter – UK readers will know what i mean here! )#), as well as oily fish such as salmon, avocados, vegetable and seed oils, and olive oil contain mostly essential fatty acids – in other words fats that we need and which are put to good use in the body. A handful of walnuts have as much omega-3-fatty acids as 3 ounces of salmon, which may help in light of the recent and on-going worries about farmed salmon. Not only do omega-3 fats help towards preventing heart disease, they also help to prevent arthritis and depression.

A 25g portion of brazils (about 10 nuts) would be an ideal snack or addition to cereal or fruit in the morning. It would give you a respectable 170 kcals, and 17 grams of fat. About 70g of fat in one day is acceptable, so as part of your whole diet, they are not fattening! Brazils are one of the highest food sources of the mineral selenium: an antioxidant that plays a vital role in the health of the heart and CV system, as well as the thyroid gland. Selenium is also regarded as a potent anti-cancer agent. It is often lacking in British diets, due to a drop in soil levels over the years and consequently a drop in crops. However, all is not lost if you …