Pounding Music Can Increase Workout Intensity

Music in a workout setting, whether in a gym or at home, helps to keep the body on workout pace. There is a huge market for workout compilations and mp3s that drive workouts with a strong bass beat. These beats are often customized based on the type of workout. Faster beats are perfect for jogging or running, while slower paced music can help push you through an hour long walk on the treadmill. After leaving the cardiovascular workout behind, music tracks can change up for weight lifting with many people again choosing strong bass lines or rock music. With all this focus on the beat, what about the volume?

Turn It Up for a Few More Reps

Experts have found that the type of music listened to during a weight training workout may not be as important as the volume of that music. While volume levels should be kept loud enough to eliminate most background noise, maximum volume levels are often discouraged due to potential hearing loss. However, turning up the volume at the end of a set could help push a few extra repetitions out.

When music is turned up beyond that comfort level, the body reacts as if a threat is being posed. Adrenaline is produced and released which gives the body a little extra energy and strength. The effect is short lived, but on average women who turned up their volume higher pushed out seven extra repetitions.

Achieving the Adrenaline Boost With Fewer Side Effects

Even a short spurt of maximum volume could be harmful to sensitive ears, but there is a way around this effect. Purchasing sound canceling headphones may help to eliminate background noise without having to increase volume. This allows the music volume to be turned down lower during the workout. The adrenaline effect occurs when volume is increased substantially which means noise canceling headphones can produce the same effect without having to max out the volume button.

Choosing different music is another fantastic choice. Playing slow paced, soft music will not produce the adrenaline effect of louder, pulse pounding selections. For die hard rock fans, finding just the right tracks is easy. But, for people who love country or adult contemporary music, choosing a premade workout mp3 or CD may be the best choice.

The gym is a place where working out above and beyond your personal best form last week is the goal. If a bit of extra adrenaline thanks to a volume boost can help to attain that goal, the louder the merrier.