Trending Skincare: 6 Benefits of Microneedling &ndash

If you want the ultimate rejuvenating treatment and booster for your skin, then Microneedling is just for you.

Microneedling therapy is a minimally invasive skin-rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of a device with fine needles rooted in it. The needles are used to make microscopic punctures in the outermost layer of the skin, creating tiny wounds which prompt the body to create new collagen and elastin to fill these tiny holes. The result is an improvement in skin firmness and texture, along with a reduction in pore size, scars and stretch marks.

Now that you know what it is and how it works, is it not time to find out what some of the incredible benefits one finds with Microneedling are?

  1. Microneedling for Fine Lines and Wrinkles

All that time spent in the sun when you were younger may have caused a significant amount of sun damage, facial wrinkles and thinning of the skin which results in the loss of elastin and collagen. You can expect to see significant improvement due to the fact it promotes natural elastin and collagen. Minimisation in wrinkles, fine lines and scars will all be remarkably noticeable. The build up of collagen and elastin also helps strengthen and thicken skin. This will reduce skin thinning that is often associated with ageing.

  1. Premature Skin Ageing

Microneedling applies the same function with premature skin ageing as with wrinkles and fine lines by prompting collagen and elastin growth. When the skin thickens, and the avoidance of collagen breakdown occurs, the ageing process slows down.

  1. Scars

If you are one of the many people that suffer from acne scars or any scarring on the skin for that matter, then MIRA Clinic skin needling Perth (Microneedling) is the solution for you. It is proven to immensely improve or even fade out the majority of scarring with the exception of keloid scars.

  1. Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are more stubborn to treat than most scarring; however, there have been several reports from patients who have been satisfied with the results from their Microneedling treatment.

  1. Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a condition in which small areas of the skin become darker than the rest. Often dark patches of skin form when the skin cells in those areas begin generating too much melanin. Over activity of the melanin-producing cells can be triggered by a variety of causes, including certain medical conditions and medications. Although, one …

Depression and the Disease Process

It may be natural for a person to experience periods of depression when they are diagnosed with a serious illness or disease, but clinical depression can also affect the progression and outcome of the disease.

It has been known for some time that depression can have a negative affect on eating and sleep patterns, cause chronic fatigue, cause aches and pains with no known cause, as well as make a person more prone to illness and disease. For a person that has been diagnosed with a disease, depression can seriously affect their natural ability to combat the disease as well as their willpower to overcome it.

Serotonin is the neurochemical whose levels are greatly affected by depression. This neurochemical that is naturally occurring in humans not only regulates sleep, but also controls our pain threshold. When the serotonin level in the body is reduced, a person will feel more pain than someone who is not affected by clinical depression. This means that a person with both clinical depression and a serious illness may not be able to tolerate pain associated with treatments and procedures, and this may seriously jeopardize their chances of recovery.

Our bodies heal and repair themselves while we sleep. Depression wreaks havoc on our sleep patterns as well as the quality of that sleep. To a person that has been diagnosed with a serious illness, this lack of adequate or restful sleep can impede their body's healing process.

The appearance of psychosomatic symptoms that is often caused by depression can interfere with both the diagnosis and treatment of a serious illness. It is very important that a treatment team be aware of actual symptoms, and not be confused by those that don't exist. Medications and treatments are tailored to particular illnesses, and the inclusion of these psychosomatic symptoms may result in a faulty diagnosis or unnecessary treatments.

If someone that you know has been diagnosed with a serious illness or disease, it is important to monitor them for the signs associated with depression. These symptoms can include trouble concentrating, changes in eating or sleeping habits, lack of interest or participation in daily activities, changes in grooming habits, or preoccupation with death. It is vital to advise the person that has been diagnosed with a serious illness to seek the advice of their physician when they exhibit the symptoms of depression so that they will be able to …

Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease

Dealing with peripheral artery disease can be challenging, but there are many conventional and unconventional methods out there to help with overcoming this disease. By using a number of treatments, the disease can be halted, reversed, or completely cured. PAD is a deadly disease which affects millions of people around the world. The symptoms are discreet and are easily passed off as just another part of aging. However, anybody with the symptoms of PAD (which include cramping and pain of the legs, as well as body parts falling asleep for long amounts of time) should go see a doctor and get tested. If you don’t get tested and don’t take measures to inhibit the disease, it can lead to heart attack, stroke, amputation, or death.

Many people with PAD are smokers, as smoking can usually be the difference between having the disease or not. Smoking affects blood lining vessels, so quitting and therefore removing the constant damage to that lining is the best treatments you can do. If you are a smoker and you know you have this disease, it is imperative to quit, as if the blood lining keeps getting damaged and the disease becomes more advanced, stroke and/or a heart attack becomes inevitable.

Besides quitting smoking, there are a number of other things that can be done. Exercise is another very natural way to offset the disease (not to mention dozens of others as well). By exercising, alternative small blood vessels are opened which allow inhibited blood flow to be redirected through, therefore relieving some of the negative effects of PAD. Medication with aspirin, clopidogrel, and statins can also slow the progression of the disease.

If the disease is very advanced, angioplasty may become necessary. Angioplasty is the mechanical widening of blood vessels, for the purpose of letting more blood through. However, it is not a route to be taken lightly, as it does require surgery and with all surgery there is a chance something could go wrong. If the disease does get to this stage, it is best to take any option that is possible, because when the disease gets advanced enough, gangrene (the decay of tissue due to lack of blood flow) can set in, in which case something might need to be amputated.

Some people decide not to take any surgical or medical treatment, and just stick with exercising. If you stick to a …