Protecting Our Eyes

We are only given one set of eyes and they must last us our entire lives. This is why it behooves us to take care of them. Believe it or not, there are many things that we can do, on our own, to take care of our eyes. What we eat, the amount of sleep that we get, and even protecting them from the harmful rays of the sun can do a lot to keep our eyes healthy.

Sun Glorious Sun

The sun is wonderful. It provides us with vitamin D that keeps us healthy and it feels good on our skin: but too much sun can be harmful, not only to our skin but our eyes as well. Wearing sun shades protect our eyes from the harmful UV rays that could lead to cataracts. This is why you should wear sun shades if you plan on being in direct sunlight for an extended period of time.


Getting sleep is another health boosting benefit for your eyes. Adequate sleep helps with everything from tear production to moisture. When you don’t get enough sleep there are a whole host of problems that you can develop as a result. There are even diseases that you can become more susceptible to contracting as a result of not getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep increases the amount of blood and fluid around the eyes resulting in dark circles and bags: not only does lack of sleep rob your eyes of health, it diminishes their beauty as well. When a person has sleep apnea and goes prolonged periods of time without sleep, vision loss can occur in severe cases.


Your eyes benefit greatly from a nutrient called lutein. It is found in green leafy vegetables. If you are not eating a balanced diet inclusive of vegetables, you may not be getting enousun to this precious nutrient. A nutrient-poor diet means that your bodies organs don’t get everything that they need: and over time, they may begin to function at a less than optimal level. This is why eating well means eating a balanced nutrient rich diet. It may not seem that your eyes dep[end on what you put in your stomach, but they do. Your eyes count on you to make good decisions about the food you consume and the nutrients that you get via the food. Eyes that go without what they need for a long period of time are prone to disease and may require a procedure like Glaucoma Surgery in Minneapolis MN.

Protecting our eyes and keeping them healthy encompasses everything from protecting them from the sun to eating enough of the right types of foods. Failure to protect your eyes from the perils of the sun, or poor nutrition and sleep deprivation, can result in poor vision or even the loss of vision. Protect your eyes, they have to last your entire life.